
The Print Plus platform of Modernism/modernity is an open, digital publication platform that is an integral part of Modernism/modernity, the journal of the Modernist Studies Association. Peer-reviewed contributions to both platforms are indexed in the MLA International Bibliography.

The primary purpose of the platform is to provide a peer-reviewed, online academic environment for multimedia argument-based research. The Print Plus platform provides scholars of modernity a place to publish article-length pieces with the interactive/visual media embedded in their text. The site encourages author/reader interaction by providing discussion and comment forums. We also hope the platform will cultivate a readership beyond the academy, and as part of our commitment to public humanities, all content on this site is freely accessible. 

Hypothesis Annotation

We're pleased to announce that M/m Print Plus offers readers a way to annotate the content of our website in private groups using the Hypothes.is platform. Follow these instructions to use Hypothesis for personal or public annotation.

Peer Review

The Print Plus platform includes both peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed content. Peer-reviewed content goes through the same review process as articles in the print journal. If an article is peer-reviewed, it will be clearly indicated at the beginning of the article with this text:
peer reviewed

Submission Guidelines

Modernism/modernity has a centralized submission system for articles, utilizing the ScholarOne web-based portal. Contributors to the journal, including the Print Plus platform, must submit manuscripts electronically using this system, which may be accessed by clicking here. The progress of articles through editorial processing can be tracked through the ScholarOne system.

Articles should be 7,000–11,000 words, inclusive of notes. Please double-space manuscripts throughout, with one-inch margins and endnotes. Style and format should be consistent with The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th ed. or above. Before uploading, please ensure that all submissions are entirely anonymous. This means deleting any identifying information within the text of your submission. It also means deleting any identifying metadata within the document itself. If you feel your contribution is particularly suited to the Print Plus platform, please indicate this in your cover letter. 

It is the author's sole responsibility to obtain permissions for illustrations, as well as any copyright clearances required for the publication of a submission. 300 dpi JPEG files of any illustrations will be needed by the time of publication; the Print Plus platform can accommodate additional media, including video; please contact Harrington Weihl for more information about media. Captions should be written in a separate document, with appropriate credits and permissions.

All correspondence regarding reviews should be directed to Faye Thompson at modernism.modernityreviews@gmail.com.

For all other correspondence contact modernism.modernity@gmail.com.


Anjali Nerlekar, Rutgers University
Stephen J. Ross, Concordia University

Digital Editor, Print Plus platform

Harrington Weihl, Northwestern University

Managing Editor, Print Plus platform

Paisley Conrad, Concordia University

Managing Editors, Print journal

Paisley Conrad, Concordia University
Rudrani Gangopadhyay, Rutgers University

Reviews Editors

Martin Harries, UC Irvine
Stefanie Sobelle, Gettysburg College

Editorial Assistants

Demetria Glennon, Rutgers University
Catherine Hogg, Concordia University
Matthew King, Concordia University
Nikhita Kumar, Rutgers University
Hector Macdonald, Concordia University
Effy Morris, Concordia University
Evelyn Oravez, Rutgers University
Yugal Patel, Rutgers University
Elizabeth Williams, Rutgers University

Editorial Board

Developers & Design Group

J. Matthew Huculak, Project Manager & Media Consultant, Modernist Studies Association 
Tashina Gunning, Web Development Manager, Johns Hopkins University Press (JHUP)

Debra Rae Cohen, University of South Carolina
William M. Breichner, Journals Publisher, JHUP

Lisa Klose, Journals Sales and Marketing, JHUP
Keli Strickland, Graphic Designer, JHUP