Volume 23, Number 1, January 2016
Special Section: Camp Modernism
Introduction by Marsha Bryant and Douglas Mao
The Sexual Objects of “Parodistic” Camp
Scott Herring
Camp, Modernism, and Charles Henri Ford
Alexander Howard
Christopher Isherwood and the Limits of Camp
Chris Freeman
Camp Orlando (or) Orlando
Madelyn Detloff
Lady Macbeth Goes to Hollywood
Melissa Bradshaw
A Fugue on Camp
Allan Pero
Buenos Aires Bohème: Argentina and the Transatlantic Bohemian Renaissance, 1890-1910
Brian Bockelman
Elaborations of the Machine: The Automata Ballets
Linda M. Austin
Cybernetic Modernism and the Feedback Loop: Ezra Pound’s Poetics of Transmission
Heather A. Love
The Institutionalization of the Postwar Poet
Kamran Javadizadeh
Out of the Archives: Woolfian Domestic Economies
Sara Crangle
Cathedra: a Modernist Reading of Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations
W. P. Grundy
Histories of the Future: the Institute of Contemporary Arts and the Reconstruction of Modernism in Postwar Britain
Kevin Brazil