Volume 24, Number 2, April 2017


Is the Trans in Transnational the Trans in Transgender?
Jessica Berman

The Assertion of Coevalness: African Literature and Modernist Studies
Mark DiGiacomo

Collecting Ghostly Things: André Breton and Joseph Cornell
Katharine Conley 

Liminality and In-Betweeness: The “Domestic Pieces” of Fillide Levasti
Silvia Bottinelli 

Musil’s Ontology of the Present: Lessons on the Hermeneutics of Modernity
Mark M. Freed

“On a Wet Rock in the Atlantic”: J. M. Synge and Ethnographies of the Irish Revival
John Brannigan 

“BLAST SPORT”? Vorticism, Sport, and William Roberts’s Boxers
Bernard Vere

Beasts in the Jungle: Henry James, William James, and the Animal Turn
Daniel Hannah


Beckett’s Non-Anthropomorphic Anthropology
Dirk Van Hulle 

Sounding Irish Radio at Midcentury
Ian Whittington


Bethany Hicok
Elizabeth Bishop’s Brazil
Andre Furlani

Rubén Gallo
Proust’s Latin Americans
Tace Hedrick

Celia Marshik
At the Mercy of their Clothes: Modernism, the Middlebrow, and British Garment Culture
Vike Martina Plock

Francis Mulhern
Figures of Catastrophe: The Condition of Culture Novel
Robert Higney

Richard Begam and Matthew Wilson Smith, eds.
Modernism and Opera
Allan Hepburn

Elizabeth Benjamin
Dada and Existentialism: The Authenticity of Ambiguity
Alexandra Trott

John Zilcosky
Uncanny Encounters: Literature, Psychoanalysis, and the End of Alterity
Dylan Trigg

Rainer Rumold
Archaeologies of Modernity: Avant-Garde Bildung
Cathryn Setz

Greg Barnhisel
Cold War Modernists: Art, Literature, and American Cultural Diplomacy
Kamran Javadizadeh 

George Cotkin
Feast of Excess: A Cultural History of the New Sensibility
Benjamin Lee