Volume 24, Number 3, September 2017

© Johns Hopkins University Press


Can You Tell Me How to Get to the Warsaw Ghetto?
Benjamin Paloff

Red Rosa: On the Gender of the November Revolution in the German Avant-Gardes
Sascha Bru and Anke Gilleir

The Cosmopolitan Coin: What Modernists Make of Money
Nicky Marsh

“My Most Humiliating Jim Crow Experience”: Afro-Modernist Critiques of Eugenics and Medical Segregation
Jess Waggoner

The Compsons Were Here: Indexicality, the Actuality, and the Crisis of Meaning in The Sound and the Fury
Pardis Dabashi

Laboratory, Library, Database: London’s Avant-Garde Drama Societies and  Ephemeral  Repertoire
Matthew Franks

Revolutionary Boredom: Uninteresting Affects, Operatic Modernity, and American Feminism in Stein’s The Mother of Us All
Simon Porzak

Paris Dada and the Transfiguration of Boredom
Joyce Suechun Cheng


Dada’s Birthday Bibliography
Abigail Susik

New Modernist Autonomies
Christopher Langlois


Robert S. Lehman
Impossible Modernism: T . S . Eliot, Walter Benjamin, and the Critique of Historical Reason
Jesse Matz

Helen Thaventhiran
Radical Empiricists: Five Modernist Close Readers
Laura Heffernan

C. D. Blanton
Epic Negation: The Dialectical Poetics of Late Modernism
Marsha Bryant

Gayle Rogers
Incomparable Empires: Modernism and the Translation of Spanish and American Literature
Ignacio Infante

Eric Bulson
Little Magazine, World Form
Mark Gaipa

Patrick Collier
Modern Print Artefacts: Textual Materiality and Literary Value in British Print Culture, 1890–1930s
Dennis Duncan

Joseph R. Millichap
The Language of Vision: Photography and Southern Literature in the 1930s and After
Katherine Henninger

Phyllis Lassner
Espionage and Exile: Fascism and Anti-Fascism in British Spy Fiction and Film
Erin G. Carlston

Kelly Sultzbach
Ecocriticism in the Modernist Imagination: Forster, Woolf, and Auden
Jon Hegglund