© Johns Hopkins University Press
“Now someone’s talking”: Unpunctuation and the Deadpan Poem
Calista McRae
Stratigraphy of Andromeda: Giorgio de Chirico, Alberto Savinio, Origins, and Originality
Alessandro Giammei
The City Shining on a Hill, or by a Lake: (Re)Thinking Modern Americanness, (Re)Writing the American Lynch Narrative, and Ida B. Wells
Cyraina Johnson-Roullier
Oscar Wilde’s Hair: Phobic Reactions and Novel Self-Fashioning at the Turn of the Century
Nikhil Gupta
An Edwardian Turn of Mind: Psychological Realism and Modernist Metaphysics in May Sinclair’s The Divine Fire
Charlotte Jones
Between Intoxication and Narcosis: Nietzsche’s Pharmacology of Modernity
Jason Ciaccio
Towards an Ecopoetics of Food: Plants, Agricultural Politics, and Colonized Landscapes in Lorine Niedecker’s Condensary
Michelle Niemann
What the Veriscope Saw: Stephen Crane, the Prizefight Film, and Unreliable Spectatorship
Yair Solan
From Secular Temples to Information Warehouses
Nick Thurston
Japan’s Queer Modernity
Jos Lavery
Marta Figlerowicz
Flat Protagonists: A Theory of Novel Character
Nan Z. Da
Merve Emre
Paraliterary: The Making of Bad Readers in Postwar America
Gayle Rogers
Leda Cempellin
The Ideas, Identity and Art of Daniel Spoerri: Contingencies and Encounters of an ‘Artistic Animator’
Roger Rothman
Patrizia C. McBride
The Chatter of the Visible: Montage and Narrative in Weimar Germany
Thomas O. Haakenson
Michael LeMahieu and Karen Zumhagen-Yekplé, ed.
Wittgenstein and Modernism
Johanna Winant
Andrew Pilsch
Transhumanism: Evolutionary Futurism and the Human Technologies of Utopia
Matthew Hannah
Maren Tova Linett
Bodies of Modernism: Physical Disability in Transatlantic Modernist Literature
Tammy Berberi