“Move Forward and Ascend!”: Temporality and the Politics of Form in Turkish Modernist Literature
Kaitlin Staudt
Furnishing Italian Colonialism: “Nomad” Interiors and the Habitations of the Empire
Ignacio G. Galán
The Archipelagic Imaginary in Eric Walrond’s Tropic Death
Chih-Chien Hsieh
“verse-play” or “spoken ballet”? W. H. Auden, Rupert Doone, and a New Poetic Drama
Gabriela Minden
“Wire with something in it from men to men”: Robert Frost, the Rural Telephone Network, and the Poetics of Eavesdropping
Steven Nathaniel
“Whirls at whim”: Tom Raworth, Attention, and Media Form
Mark Byers
Henry Green’s Investments
Ben Harker
The Limits of Reading: Closeted Readers, Safe Pleasure, and Reparation in Absalom, Absalom!
Sunggyung Jo
Book Reviews
Peter Kalliney
The Aesthetic Cold War: Decolonization and Global Literature
Alys Moody
Manan Desai
The United States of India: Anticolonial Literature and Transnational Refraction
Ambreen Hai
Jean-Louis Cohen, Christina E. Crawford, and Claire Zimmerman, ed.
Detroit-Moscow-Detroit: An Architecture for Industrialization 1917–1945
Edward Dimendberg
Brigid Cohen
Musical Migration and Imperial New York: Early Cold War Scenes
Scott Saul
Allison Schachter
Women Writing Jewish Modernity, 1919–1939
Michal Peles-Almagor
Lise Jaillant, ed.
Publishing Modernist Fiction and Poetry
Patrick Collier
Nikolaj Lübecker
Twenty-First-Century Symbolism: Verlaine, Baudelaire, Mallarmé
Francesco Sticchi