

The release of Megan Quigley’s Print Plus cluster on “The Waste Land” and #MeToo earlier this spring sparked a new round of a familiar plaint here at Modernism/modernity—“How can I get copies?” “How can I share this with my classes?” Given the media-savviness of most of our students, chances are that they could figure it out for themselves; but we’ve been missing a convenient link between page and pedagogy. Now, we’re happy to say, we have one.

M/m has partnered with the non-profit Hypothesis Project to incorporate into the Print Plus platform annotation software that makes it possible to mark up our web texts as a class, or in a reading group—or even as a solitary researcher. As a pilot project, we made this available a few weeks back to the British Association of Modernist Studies, who incorporated its use into their BAMS Training Day, working with Gabriel Hankins’s article from the Special Issue on Weak Theory (you’ll see their response, enabled by the use of Hypothesis, in the next batch of Responses to that issue).

In the weeks and months to come, Emily Christina Murphy and James Gifford will be collaboratively modeling other uses of the Hypothesis framework, demonstrating its value for enabling on-site discussion. In the meantime—as you bid farewell to the semester—why not try it out for yourself? (Instructions are here, and also reachable from our About page.) A summer of annotation awaits!

Coming up soon: the next print issue, leading off with a piece on natural history and film theory, by Caroline Hovanec

Also clusters on food studies, periodical studies, performance studies—plenty for your annotating pleasure.

Debra Rae Cohen