Sundaram, Marxism in the Expanded Field (Geeta’s Bookshelf)

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Fig. 5. Egon Schiele, Portrait of Erich Lederer, 1912. Oil and gouache on canvas. Basel, Kunstmuseum. Gift of Mrs. Erich Lederer in memory of her husband. Photo: © Erich Lessing / Art Resource, NY.
Mary Butts to Douglas Goldring, [January/February] 1932. Published with permission from the Mary Butts Estate.
Woodblock print inspired by Butts’s Death of Felicity Taverner, by Vanessa Funk. Reproduced here with permission from the artist.
Image of books stacked up and leaning to the left. Public Domain.
Fig. 1. George Grantham Bain. Baroness v.Freytag-Loringhoven. Photograph. between ca. 1920 and ca. 1925. George Grantham Bain Collection, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
Fig. 2. “Poets in Vogue” installation view showing Repeating Patterns: Stevie Smith’s Collars. Cotton, linen, felt. Made by Gesa Werner. Photograph by Sophie Oliver
“Death In The Hood” by George Hodan. Image available via public domain.
Fig. 1. “Kitchenette apartment homes, Black Belt, Chicago, Illinois, 1941.” Library of Congress. Used with permission.
Muriel Rukeyser on the boat to Vancouver Island, 1949. Published with permission from William L. Rukeyser.
Fig. 10. From the pages of LIFE, “Dada’s Daddy,” April 28, 1952, 100, via Getty Images. LIFE and the LIFE logo are registered trademarks of The Picture Collection Inc., used under license. © 1952 The Picture Collection Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted/Translated from LIFE and published with permission of The Picture Collection Inc. Reproduction in any manner in any language in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited.
LIFE and the LIFE logo are registered trademarks of The Picture Collection Inc., used under license. © 1952 The Picture Collection Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted/Translated from LIFE and published with permission of The Picture Collection Inc. Reproduction in any manner in any language in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited.
From the pages of LIFE, “Mystic Art of Tribal Africa,” September 8, 1952, 124–25, via Getty Images. LIFE and the LIFE logo are registered trademarks of The Picture Collection Inc., used under license. © 1952 The Picture Collection Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted/Translated from LIFE and published with permission of The Picture Collection Inc. Reproduction in any manner in any language in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited.
Fig. 6. Fang reliquary figure (variation #1), photograph by Eliot Elisofon, 1951, vintage silver gelatin print, EECL 1973–002, © LIFE Picture Collection, Shutterstock, Eliot Elisofon Photographic Archives, National Museum of African Art, Smithsonian Institution.
Fig. 7. Gobu throwing knife (variation #1), photograph by Eliot Elisofon, 1951, vintage silver gelatin print, EECL 1973–002, © LIFE Picture Collection, Shutterstock, Eliot Elisofon Photographic Archives, National Museum of African Art, Smithsonian Institution.
University of Wisconsin undergraduates on Southwestern expedition, 1927. "The finished product Nel and Lauri."" Call number: NAU.PH.2005. Collection: Hanks, James J. Special Collections and Archives, Cline Library, Northern Arizona University.
Fig. 1. Tom Roberts, “The Violin Lesson,” 1889, Wikimedia Commons.
Fig. 2. Lynd Ward, wood engraving from Wild Pilgrimage (1932) depicting the protagonist, who just witnessed the lynching of a Black man, walking through a forest.
Fig. 3. Lynd Ward, wood engraving from Wild Pilgrimage (1932) depicting part of the dream sequence.
Fig. 2. Endnote 26: A Daily Press Clipping Service, i. International Press Clipping Bureau, A Daily Press Clipping Service (Chicago, [1913]), Publicity Booklet, i, New York Public Library, N.Y.
Fig. 3. Tommy Pico, Nature Poem (Tin House Books, 2017). Image courtesy of the Tommy Pico.
Claude Cahun, Marcel Moore, Untitled [Claude Cahun in Le Mystère d'Adam (The Mystery of Adam)], 1929 gelatin silver print; 4 x 3 in. (10.16 x 7.62 cm). San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Fractional and promised gift of Carla Emil and Rich Silverstein. © Estate of Claude Cahun. Photo: Don Ross
Fig. 1. First Receipt for Books Purchased at Shakespeare and Company. Courtesy of the Sylvia Beach Papers at Princeton University Library.
Fig. 5. Books Purchased by Ocampo from Shakespeare and Company (1934–1935)
Fig. 1. Phillip Lightweis-Goff, Her struggle's real, though sometimes she isn't (2020).
Henry Moore, Mask concept sketches for Auden's Dance of Death, 1934. Reproduced by permission of The Henry Moore Foundation.
Fig. 3. “Take a Kodak with You,” Advertising for Folding Pocket Kodak Camera, Alf Cooke Ltd, c. 1913. Courtesy of the George Eastman Museum.
Fig. 6. “Two ‘k’s’, an ‘o’, a ‘d’ and an ‘a,’” Eastman Kodak Company, 1920. Courtesy of Rubenstein Library, Duke University.
Fig. 1. Eliot’s handwritten envelope addressed to Emily Hale. Emily Hale Letters from T. S. Eliot. Manuscripts Division, Department of Special Collections, Princeton University Library.
Fig. 2. Pablo Picasso, Guernica (1937). Oil on canvas. 349.3 x 776.6 cm. Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía. Photo Credit: Erich Lessing / Art Resource, NY. © 2020 Estate of Pablo Picasso / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.