Richard Cavell is Professor of English and Media Studies at the University of British Columbia. He is the author most recently of Marinetti Dines with the High Command (2014), Remediating McLuhan (2016), and Speechsong: The Gould / Schoenberg Dialogues (2020).
Richard Cavell

Iliazd: A Meta-Biography of a Modernist by Johanna Drucker
Modernity seems very much to be with us still. Yet that explosive moment on either side of 1900 is long over, and what has come after is either a pale shadow of its former self or actively contests it. It is precisely that gap that Johanna Drucker explores in Iliazd: A Meta-Biography of a Modernist, in terms of the book artist Iliazd (1894-1975) and of Drucker herself, who began her project as a graduate student in 1985 and returned to it in 2019 as the Breslauer Professor of Bibliographical Studies and Distinguished Professor of Information Studies at UCLA.