Eric Aronoff is an Associate Professor in the Residential College in the Arts and Humanities at Michigan State University. His book, Composing Cultures: Modernism, American Literary Studies, and the Problem of Culture (University of Virginia Press, 2013), traces the debates over the idea of “culture” circulating among artists, literary critics, and anthropologists in the early twentieth century. His current book project examines the role of science fiction in these ongoing debates over culture and form.
Eric Aronoff

Martian Modernism: Modernist Anthropology, Science Fiction, and the Idea of Culture in Ray Bradbury’s “—And the Moon Be Still as Bright”
In this article, I explore the intersection of science fiction and modernist anthropology in a period of crucial development for both fields—the 1920s through the 1940s—by examining the ways in which Ray Bradbury’s “—And the Moon Be Still as Bright,” a central chapter in The Martian Chronicles (1950), engages in debates over culture and form that circulated among modernist anthropologi