Joanna Mąkowska holds a Ph.D. in American Literature and is a Lecturer at the University of Warsaw’s American Studies Centre. Her research interests are situated at the intersection of literary studies, new materialisms, and environmental humanities. In 2021-2022, she was a Postdoctoral Researcher (Kosciuszko Foundation Fellow) at Duquesne University, where she advanced her research project on documentary poetics. In 2017-2018, she was a Fulbright scholar at the State University of New York at Buffalo. She also conducted research at Yale (EAAS grant), University of Cambridge (Corbridge Trust Fellowship), and JFK Institute for North American Studies. Her work on “nomadic poetics” has been published in Arizona Quarterly and Women’s Studies and her new publications are forthcoming in The Routledge Companion to Ecopoetics and James Baldwin Review, among others. She also works as a translator and brought into Polish the poetry of Adrienne Rich, Naomi Shihab Nye, and Brenda Hillman.
Joanna Mąkowska

Mina Loy’s Nomadic Politics of Pain
Reading Loy in the twenty-first century, after the material turn in the humanities, sheds new light on her writing as particularly attuned to how the material and the incorporeal are embedded in each other.