Francesca Bratton is the 2023-2024 Writer-in-Residence at Maynooth University Department of English and Kildare County Council Arts and Library Service. She is an Arts Council of Ireland Next Generation Award holder in Literature (2022-2023). Her book Stronger than Death: Hart Crane’s Last Year in Mexico was published by John Murray Originals in 2023. Her academic monograph Visionary Company: Hart Crane and Modernist Periodicals was published by Edinburgh University Press in 2022. An essay collection, co-edited with Dr Megan Girdwood and Dr Fraser Riddell, Charlotte Mew: Poetics, Ecologies, Bodies is forthcoming with Palgrave (2024). Her writing has appeared or is forthcoming in American Literary History, English, PN Review and The Irish Times.
Francesca Bratton

Modernist Periodical Studies and the Transnational Turn
In his 1916 essay “Trans-national America,” Randolph Bourne rejects an anglophone, “Anglo-Saxon” vision of US society and culture. Like many of his contemporary writer-editors in multilingual New York, Bourne’s vision of a modern US literature was polyglot and polyvocal.