Camilla Sutherland is Assistant Professor of European Culture and Literature and Co-Director of the Mexico Study Center at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. She is Latin American section editor of Global Modernists on Modernism: An Anthology (Bloomsbury, 2020) and contributor to the forthcoming volumes, Oxford Critical and Cultural History of Global Modernist Magazines and Periodically Speaking: History, Politics, and Visuality in Modern Latin American Print Culture. Her monograph The Space of Latin American Women Modernists will be published by University of Wales Press in 2024.
Camilla Sutherland

Modernist Periodical Studies and the Transnational Turn
In his 1916 essay “Trans-national America,” Randolph Bourne rejects an anglophone, “Anglo-Saxon” vision of US society and culture. Like many of his contemporary writer-editors in multilingual New York, Bourne’s vision of a modern US literature was polyglot and polyvocal.