Stephen Ross

Stephen Ross is Professor of English and Cultural, Social, and Political Thought at the University of Victoria. His research focuses on rhetoric and ideology across British, Irish, and transnational modernisms. He is currently coediting the Routledge Handbook to North American Indigenous Modernisms, with Kirby Brown and Alana Sayers.


Afterword: Unsettling Modernist Studies

The articles gathered in this cluster will, I hope, provide the necessary spark to blow open the continuum of (settler) colonialist methodologies in modernist studies today. Extending the work of scholars such as Robert Allen Warrior, Christopher Teuton, Beth Piatote, Shari Huhndorf, Scott Richard Lyons, Philip Deloria, Daniel Heath Justice, Sean Teuton, Jodi Byrd, Lisa Brooks, Jace Weaver, and others, they challenge the unthought settlement upon which modernist studies has been revolutionizing itself for decades now. Together, they constitute an ethical demand that mainstream modernist studies scholars revise how we work. As they make plain, it’s time to face up to modernity’s—and thus modernism’s—ineluctable relationship to settler coloniality.

Responses to the Special Issue on Weak Theory, Part IV

This installment marks the last planned set of responses—at least for now—to the special issue on Weak Theory. We’ll bring the discussion to a close, in several weeks’ time, by giving the writers from that issue a chance to answer the responses. Many thanks to all who have participated!