Hannah Freed-Thall and Dora Zhang

Group membership: 

Hannah Freed-Thall is Assistant Professor of French Literature, Thought and Culture at New York University. She is the author of Spoiled Distinctions: Aesthetics and the Ordinary in French Modernism (Oxford University Press, 2015), which was awarded the Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for French and Francophone Studies and the Modernist Studies Association Prize for a First Book.

Dora Zhang is Assistant Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Berkeley. She has written on topics including Marcel Proust and photography, Virginia Woolf and the philosophy of language, and Roland Barthes’s travels in China. She is completing a book manuscript on description in modernist novels.


Modernist Setting

What does it mean to for a work to be “set” in this place or at that time? This cluster—the first investigation of its kind—explores setting as a primary shaping force of modernist form.