Nikolaus Wasmoen

Nikolaus Wasmoen is the Visiting Assistant Professor in English and the Digital Humanities at the University at Buffalo, where he serves as the Technical Director of the Marianne Moore Digital Archive while developing digital scholarship programs and teaching in the digital humanities, media studies, and modernist literature. Wasmoen's research explores transatlantic modernism, especially early twentieth-century British and American poetry, with an emphasis on the digital humanities, textual studies, and scholarly editing.


Editing Modernism’s “Unassailable Data”: Models for Unauthorized Interpretation

Today, even as access to digital reproductions (transcriptions, images, recordings) and datasets (text files, TEI files, and various forms of metadata) makes it possible to forge new connections among agents, works, genres, and media, the figure of the individual author continues to delimit the way that modernist literature is edited, reproduced, and studied. This position paper advocates for the reconstruction and reimagination of non- and para-authorial perspectives on modernist literature through the study of the work of modernism’s literary editors.